Mirror Reflections @ Salvioni - Acerbis

Mirror Reflections @ Salvioni

Milan, Italy
Lorenzo Cappellini Baio
Installation by
Francesco Meda & David Lopez Quincoces

On the occasion of Fuorisalone 2022, Acerbis presents at the Salvioni showroom in via Durini the installation Mirror Reflections, conceived by the creative duo Meda-Quincoces.
In this setting, the Remasters collection finds its place in a tribute to Nanda Vigo‘s creative research. Mirrors and neon lights converge to transform the space into an intriguing play of light and reflections. Visitors are invited to immerse themselves in a unique sensory experience that highlights the power of materials, the geometry of structures and surfaces infused with colour that distinctly delineate the personality of each design in the Remasters collection.

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